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Facebook Versus SnapChat: Which One is Better for Branding

It has been a great year for SnapChat. The success of this new-fangled mobile chatting app has made the social network giant to put an eye on its features. Yes, we are talking about Facebook, the undisputed leader in the social networking genre. Can we conclude and find the ultimate winner that is good for branding and socializing online? Let is check what SnapChat and Facebook has to offer to claim the title as a "winner". Round 1: Audience We may not have the exact statistics with us to make a comparison about the audience for both platforms but we can certainly say that Facebook is the winner in this round with 1.65 billion monthly active users, worldwide. No other social networking platform has emerged to compete and beat this figure yet. SnapChat has only a viewership or audience around 100 million daily users. So, the winner of the first round is Facebook. Round 2: Youth Appeal SnapChat got admired for its imposing appeal to the younger users, starting

How to Secure your Yahoo Account Get Yahoo Customer Service Solutions

You can get yahoo customer Service Solutions instantly by dialing the toll free yahoo help line number. There can be variety of problems related to yahoo mail however most of which can be resolved easily. Yahoo also has several tools and place which customers can avail a free of cost and troubleshoot their problems. One of the most important and useful tools is Yahoo quick fix tool. You can get this tool from yahoo help center without paying any charges. It is like a solution patch. All you need to do is click on the link available at yahoo help center and you would be required to choose the specific areas for which you are facing problems with yahoo mail. Once that is done yahoo quick fix tool will scan your yahoo mail account. Also, don’t forget to provide an alternate e-mail address because yahoo will send the scan report on this address which will contain solutions and also the things which would not be resolved. After your account is scanned, yahoo will create a det


Over four months now, Glo have being rocking unlimited at no charge. Some heavy user of this tweak have used more than 100GB and still counting. Over the last few months, Today, I will share with you another method of enjoying this  Glo  unlimited browsing. Though, this method may not be interesting like the others cause its wouldn't power all your apps but is good for heavy downloading. I mean those that can't use Psiphon Handler or Tweakware VPN to download cause of the huge amount of battery they exhaust. To cut the long story short, lets begins. How To Use UC Handler To Rock Glo N0.00k Browsing And Download First of all, Download your UC Mini Handler  DOWNLOAD HERE Launch It Go to your handler settings Input Real Host in the Proxy Type Input: htttp:// in your proxy server Then scroll down to OK Then you are good to go with the unlimited download. Enjoy..........

Thinking Of Downloading Large Files This Weekend? Glo 3GB for N500 Is The Best For You

Are you thinking of downloading large files this weekend? Then don't worry much cause Glo get you covered. Just like have posted yesterday, Airtel have review there Night plan package and they have increased the N50 for 1.5GB to N200 for 1.5GB while the N25 for 500MB still remain intact. The Airtel N50 for 1.5GB have been saving a lots of us from spending much for downloading but it seems Airtel can no longer take the hit, so they increase the price to favored them. Mean while,  Glo  3GB for N500 seems to be a better alternative for downloading larges. I know must can't stay awake for surfing the Night plan for downloading but the Glo weekend 3GB for N500 works during day time and night also. For those that also works Monday to Friday and use Saturday and Sunday to rest then this Glo 3GB For N500 weekend is the best for you. To cut the long story short, below is how you can enjoy the Glo 3GB for N500 Weekend Plan How To Subscribe To Glo 3GB For N500 Nigh

GET MTN 11.5GB FOR 1000

Am quite sure that some of you might already heard about the latest MTN tariff plan in town which is   MTN STARTPACK , Yeah, this tariff plan gives you 500% bonus on all your recharge within the range of 6 months. Like you recharging N100 airtime then they give you N500 bonus and more like that. On MTN STARTPACK tariff, you can't transfer airtime just like MTN BetaTalk. On this new tariff plan, there's a hidden treasury in it which some many of you haven't discover. You might now wonder, What's the hidden treasury? The hidden treasury is actually something big which you must not miss, lol. Do you know that on   MTN STARTPACK 500% , you can get   11.5GB   worth of data for just   N1000 ? Haha, I know you are already smiling. Okay let's continue to the big deal. How I Enjoy MTN 11.5GB For N1000 On MTN STARTPACK 500% Bonus Yes is simple but they are procedures which you have to follow, see them below: First of all, You need to buy

how to get adsense approve easily

There is nothing as annoying, demoralize, moral killing as a blogger than you applying for AdSense and you get that disgusting reply from Google that you have insufficient contents, or site doesn’t comply with Google AdSense policy. Due to this, Many bloggers gets  frustrated and decided to quits blogging. Well, Am once in that same category but after searching online and watching lot's of video tutorials. I finally found solution to the problem. So, That's why I decided to share you the solution that helped me out. You should also be aware that earning money with Adsense takes lots of efforts from your side. Because most bloggers are out of interest after few months. So, follow all tips and get adsense approved account. 1. Write 10-15 Original/Unique Blog Post Take a time with your pen and paper and write as much as you can. Filter some boring writing which doesn’t make any sense. Quality, Quantity and Relevancy will be main key point for “Google Adsense Approval”. If you a


How I Enjoy MTN 11.5GB For N1000 On MTN STARTPACK 500% Bonus Yes is simply but they are procedures which you have to follow, see them below: First of all, You need to buy new MTN STARTPACK simthen get it registered and allow the sim to be activated before you start using. Immediately the sim get activated then you will receive Welcome message from MTN and they will also tell you to recharge with N100 airtime and you will given N500 bonus for data and call. Now proceed with recharging with N100 then you will given theN500 bonus.The N500 bonus can be use for both calling and data purposed but you don't need the calling aspect because if you used the bonus for calling then is going to affect the hidden treasury on the MTN STARTPACK.The N500 bonus you received on N100recharged will fectch you1GB of data and your N100will still be INTACT. Are you surprise? oh no don't be because is real. MTN is crazy, lol.On every N100 recharged, You will be given N500bonus and this N500