The Facebook -owned messaging app, Whatsapp has added another new cool features to the messaging app. One of the new features lets you mention people in group chat. If you are familiar with Telegram and Twitter , you will have come about this feature. To enjoy this new feature, you have to visit your respective Apps store and check out for update for the new Whatsapp app for your Phone then launch it and head to any group in your contact chat and type the ‘@’ symbol and its will display members of the group to you and you can as well type the name of the people you want to mention by using the @ then followed by the name or Phone number of whoever you want to mention. You can mention as many people as you want. Along side with this mention feature, Whatsapp can also send out, receive and view GIFs images i chat, Well For now, iOS users seems to be the only user that are eligible for this offer feature while Android users are to expect this feature...
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